Saturday 31 July 2010

Hi fraser, you are looking really good. i love your pussy cat, he looks fun. ours arent any fun they dont like us licking them and seem to get a bit miffed when we sit on them too but they look so soft and comfy!!!
Well we had fun at the horse show today. There were loads of funny looking horses and ponies to smell and erin was on one of them going real fast round these jumps. they look fun . she got a big clap and won a 1st and a 2nd place. we tried to eat the ribbons but were told no - boring!!!! caramel has funny toys on her legs, they are lilac and called boots but they look really yummy and i got told off for trying to eat them off her legs - mum said i was lucky that caramle was a good pony.
Fraser how do you fancy a run on tentsmuir beach some weekend with me , scout, diesel and john and fionas older boy rubles, he has same dad as us but is a few months old now. [4 i think] let mum know and she will arrange it.

Hi, Fraser here,
It's good to know that you're all having fun out there, me too of course, dad's been off work on annual leave so I've had lots of company in the garden, which has been all well and good but does summer actually start though?!Anyway I've had fun jumping up at the washing hanging up on the whirrly-jig thingy or whatever they call it, I've managed to get a couple of things down off it and ran away with them which was great cos I knew I was guaranteed a chase!
I'm now aware that I don't have the garden or the house to myself and that I have to share with a big pussy cat called Bailey, he seems pretty laid back though and I think we're getting used to each other, he looks at me a little strangely at times like he's already seen a Munster before, and who knows maybe he has?
I've been told that I'm going to puppy training classes in August, obedience training I think it's called, huh, as if I need it, I can already sit when asked and come back when my name is called, dunno what all the fuss is about really...
Anyway, just to let you all know that I'm doing really well, having a great time and eating well too, mum and dad can't believe how much I've grown since I came here to live only 2 weeks ago, and dad says he thinks my coat is getting darker in colour, honestly humans...?!

Take care all, I will keep enjoying reading about you,

Fraser ;-)

Friday 30 July 2010

scout here.
well done pups you are all training your new mums and dads really well. Jedda and I are the same we really know how to get our way too!!! lol. We having great fun. mum been making sure we go out one at a time to different places. i got to got o an eibition at the yard as i am a bit quieter than jedda and mum wanted me to hear all the loud music and all the tannoys. i was great and was passed round everyones knees which was great but i think i may be heavy as everyone said they had dead legs!!! the cheek of it all.
its jedda time.
well i thought i was going to be an only child but turns out i am landed with my brother. well actually its great fun and we are learning lots of stuff together. he's heavier than me but i am cleverer [well i think i am] and can out wit him with my stealth and skill!!!!! we going to a show tomorrow with erins other pal caramel the pony - we have met her well i actually rode her. scout has been in her stable and says you can eat the big brown things she drops as they taste real good, i must try that sometime, maybe at show there will be lots. keep up all up to date bros with all your new plans and things you get up to.
Neo's log stardate 29 july 2010

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!! The best!!! I'm so happy :D just had to share the joy! This morning when i tried to play with Zinnia she quite forgot herself and joined in and soon realised we could play without me hurting her (much!) and we played and played and played until we were both exhausted and then we went to the birdbath together for a companionable drink (just like mates going to the pub after a squash game!) Mum says i have helped Zinnia discover her inner pup! My little sister is really very very nice when you get to know her and very brave and robust for a fluff ball! Reeeespect! This afternoon we shared her toys, played tuggy and wrestled some more and then snuggled up in one of the beds together - that's it i have totally arrived :D and as for the rest of the family? I've got them totally wrapped around my little claw - they are totally smitten! Looking forward to hearing your news!



Neo glad to hear you are having good fun. Jedda and Scout your beach advantures look fun I'm going to see is mum will take me this weekend. Its been a busy week, I went to my first puppy class on Tuesday, I was quite sleepy to start will as I had been playing with the brown dogs all afternoon but once I woke up I was really good but I good stuck inbetween 2 yappy dogs. Wednesday I went to work with mum and got to meet some more dogs she knows and practice that clicker thing.

This morning wasnt as much fun cos I had to go to the vet and get my 2nd jag, microchip and some worming stuff. Mum says its a good thing really tho as I will be able to start going out for walks soon, just as well cos shes not very good at carrying me now that I weigh over 10kg!!
I'm going to my first proper Ringcraft class tonight (I only got to watch the last time I went) my pal Tessie (18wk old Rough Collie) who was a puppy class on Tuesday night will be there too.

Anyway I'm away for some lunch and a kip before mums work tonight.

Diesel x

Thursday 29 July 2010

Hi Neo here :)

Major break through today. Managed to weedle my way in to the crate bed with grumpy Zinnia. :D Mum says maybe having managed this it would have been better to snuggle down and be calm instead of tugging vigorously at the vet bed, turfing Zinnia off it and dragging it out in to the garden - but where's the fun in that I say? Strangely Zinnia has not allowed me in any bed with her again. Oh well, back to the start ....

Meanwhile, the baby gate on the kitchen door has been reinforced again after my second late night escape ;) Mum says there's no way I'll get throught it now and this time i think she might be right, but I'm growing all the time and soon I'll be able to jump over it haha :D

Monday 26 July 2010

Hi everyone Neo here. I used to be called Mr. Squiggle but my new Mum and Dad must think I am rather special as my new name means "gift" and is an anagram of one, as in "the One".
The first picture is of me on my way home cuddling my new teddy in the car and the second is a picture of me arriving home after a 12 hour journey down to the south coast. Mum and Dad said I was a very good boy and were amazed when they took me out of the car that I performed on the grass every time - they are obviously going to be easy to please!
Have met my new family. Mum says auntie Zeta (British pointer) is being very tolerant and we play nice games. Unfortunately my little sister Zinnia (yes that's right I am supposed to be the baby but I am bigger than her haha!) who is a Cavalier King Charles finds me a little alarming. Mum says it will be o.k once I learn some play etiquette whatever that is. On my first night we all ended up on the sofa :)
Later that night Mum and Dad left me in the big kitchen thinking I would be happy there as I was familiar with it. When they went to bed I let them know I was not at all happy. After a little complaining all went quiet and Mum tiptoed down the stairs with a torch to check on me (as I knew she would hehe!) only to find me in the hall at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her having squeezed through the baby gate LOL!! I am now very happy at night since I have been allowed to share the kitchen with Auntie Zeta.
Its been a very busy time for me settling in and I am already enjoying clicker training - treats yum! I am also signed up for KC puppy foundation classes in August where Auntie Zeta and grumpy Zinnia went and very exciting I will be starting in one month at a school for working gun dogs who do field trials, jumping in water and everything else that we Munsters enjoy. I can't wait and Mum says I'll be fine as she has never had a new puppy arrive so confident and well socialised ( grateful thanx to the lovely Logie family all your hard work certainly paid off :-D )
Hope you are all as happy and having as much fun in your new homes as me and I can't wait to catch up with all your news on the blog - love all your new names by the way. Neo :) x


Hi Folks Diesel A here

Its a busy house here, I wondered what was going on on Friday when mum left usdogs at home on our own and went out in the car as she normally takes me too cos she says I have to get used to travelling. Aparently staying at home is training to weird I thought it was just time to have a kip. Anyway she came back home with Dads car and started putting lots of stuff in it our beds included! Next thing I knew dad was home and we were all getting in the car and heading off.

Took quite a while in the car, so I thought maybe I was going to visit mum, jedda and scout but when we parked up I was greeted by some new faces and Oxo, Bisto and Rolo my dads other dogs (they look like they have been rolling in the mud, but mum says they are chocolate labs and a chesapeake). They they told me we were at Ben Nevis and Mum and Auntie Ellie were going to climb a mountain for Charity, dont quite understand but I have a fun weekend, not sure mum did tho shes walking about like she's peed her pants!

I got left in the house again this evening as mum and dad both had to go out to work, didnt really like it much but mum says its better to learn now. To make up for it she says we are going to Puppy class tomorrow, not really sure what that is have any of you been? I think it sounds like it might be a bit boring, Auntie Ellie and Kizzie say it is really good but they are both right teachers pets. Oh well guess I'll find out tomorrow night.

Kizzie has just pinched my bone so I better go

Diesel x

Sunday 25 July 2010

beach bums

Thunder now Mick

Hi this is Mick here, I was called Thunder, but my new mum and dad wanted to name me after a place near to where I was born. Carnoustie and golf were not good, Dundee is next door, as they say I have sharp teeth they thought of crocodile Dundee, then Croc but settled for MICK.

This is a good name I like it and please them by going to them when they call, Mick here.

I had a great journey to my new home, I had the company of my new pal Charlie in the back of the car, he was very kind to me.

We then got on to a ferry this was very exciting we sat in a seating area where dogs are allowed, my mum and dad kept me on a towel on a soft seat so as not to be on the wooden floor where other dogs had been. This is a great form of travel lots of people came up to us all and asked who the new boy was!!!!!.

I am now settling in at my new home, the back garden has been explored, there is a vegetable plot there but it is fenced off I am sure I could have some fun in there.

My new pal and cousin Charlie tells me that there is a big forest just down the road from where we stay. Mum and dad walk him there regularly, he tells me it is a great place where we can meet other dogs, bunnies, pheasants and squirrel's, I can hardly wait to go there.

Friday 23 July 2010

Wednesday 21 July 2010

this is thunder now mick who now lives on the isle of arran with a relative of his charlie.

Fraser's great escape

Hi all in Munsterland,

What a fun day I had on Tuesday, I managed to sneak through a gap in my garden fence and got into my neighbours garden.

Their garden has lots of shrubs and plants and it was a bit of a jungle for me really, I could hear mum and dad shouting my name but I decided to display some selective hearing techniques ha ha! To tell the truth I couldn't find my way back out again anyway and it was a wee bit scary but I hid it well...

Dad phoned my neighbour and he came out and found me and handed me back to dad over the fence.

Anyway dad ended up having to take a day off his work and went to a garden centre sorta place and got new fencing, he spend most of the day putting it up, I had a right old laugh about it all and eventually left him to it and had a nap.

When I came out to the garden later dad was sitting in the sun drinking gold coloured fizzy stuff in a tall glass, he seemed much happier and had some fun with me, and got his camera out, yet again!

I'm so glad that everyone is doing so well, by the way Diesel 2, I got my blue dummy from Asda..

Have fun,

Fraser ;-)

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Hi Logan, welcome to the blog. You look like you having fun and already swimming!!! showing thoses silver dogs how its done. had simba [now scout ] to the vet for his jab today and he 8kg but Diesel [the second] is 8.3 they just get heavier and heavier. vet very happy with him so thats great news and it was the vet that was on when they born so great for her to see them again.


Good morning everyone, it's me Logan (7 Spot) Hope you're all having as much fun as me. Only one pic at the moment as mum has to take the old man, Whisper, out for his 1-2-1 walk.
I've been very good and christened the car on the way home, I had to swap into the clean side part way - well, it was a very long drive!
The garden is good for exploring, lots of green stuff to run through and hide in and pots to dig in and then there's the strange green thing I jumped on and suddenly I turned into the swamp monster and mum had to fish me out of the pond - just as well I like water. The bucket and watering can are great for quick drinks but my favourite is the water coming from the squiggly hose. Going to the vet this afternoon, hope I like it!

Monday 19 July 2010


Hi Fraser,

I quite enjoy jumping up before I sit but my treat shoots up in the air where i can't reach it so its not so much fun.

I met my little owner today, he is quite good fun and is much better to play with.

Diesel x

jedda and surf

this is our monster - true monster. inot everything , fear of nothing!! eek lol. this is her new best pal our collie surf, anyone who know surf knows she is funny with some dogs but wow she loves this one, dont know if that a good thing yet, time will tell, keep the pics coming i know you are all reading it.

lucky boys

this is charlotte who now has the pleasure of arrow [diesels company] as you can tell her mum, dad , brother and sister, didnt tell her they were up in scotland getitng a puppy so she got quite a shock when she came in. Well done Gary a truley great moment!!!! luckily it was a good shock and they are now bonding well. hope you got her to go to school this week.

wow what a spoilt bunch you all are. what lucky pups to have such wonderful mums and dads. here are some pick of arrow now Diesel [too!!] he also enjoying himself. by the way love the pic of fraser with his dummy.

Fraser's latest adventures

Hi all,

Fraser here again, it's been eventful in my wee world again, settled well last night, up at 5am this morning again then out to garden to do my bits, mum and dad think I've been really good and and I've had lots of praise and tasty treats.

Speaking of which, I must admit I felt just a teeny bit jealous when I heard you have a clicker treat trainer Diesel, so i got my dad to get me one today, it's been fun learning to sit and get an treat although I like to leap up in the air first before I sit, which isn't how it's supposed to work so I've been told but it's fun winding them up...

I've posted a picture of me and my mum Diane playing with one of my fave toys,

Also Diesel, yes the flowers were tasty but I just sneaked a quick taste before anyone noticed cos I got told off for shredding hosta leaves earlier, they have such nice big leaves to pull on...

I'm tired now and off for a nap though, got to go to the doctors for the first time tonight for my jags, not really looking forward to it but I'm getting to travel in the back of the car for the first time and I think there might be more treats if I'm good...

I am eating plenty of my real food too in case anybody's wondering..!

Hope you're all having fun too,

Catch you all later,


Sunday 18 July 2010

very proud

Oh guys thanks so much for the pics and comments. it is so great to see my boys so happy and enjoying their new lives with fab mums and dads. They are certainly lucky pups. We do hope you are all enjoying your new pals and please keep up with the info i love to read it. i know how you guys all felt waiting for me to update blog now.


Trio came home to Northumberland today with the Bramleys. He's explored the garden, slept, explored the house, slept, nibbled the kids, slept. he's met lots of new people who've visited just to see him. There have been lots of toilet stops in the right place which is great, fingers crossed for some sleep to night. he's sleeping at my feet right now

Diesel Allan

Hi Guys

Well I went to my Granny and Grampa's today and met their 3 dogs, they have a massive garden I had mum and dad running about trying to keep me away from the pond and one of the fences I think I could have squeezed through lol.

This is a picture of me with Mum, Kizzie and our Auntie Ellie (Paws' litter sister, Franorst Paws for Dreams).

And one with my Dad
And last one aparently I am doing a sit stay, not sure what that means but mum was really pleased with me. Aparently I can also sit, down, stand, rollover and give a paw all I know is there is this click sound I get a treat so I do it again.
Anyway I am off for a sleep now
Love to all Diesel
P.S. Fraser are those flowers as tasty as they look mum wasn't very pleased when I tasted hers oops.

Fraser forgot to say....

Hmm, I forget to tell you all that I'm living in Stonehaven now, it wasn't too far a journey for me in the car yesterday, so I settled down on my mums lap and had a snooze...zzzzz

I had a couple of visitors too last night who also have doggies, I'm going to be meeting them once I've had all my jabs, should be a bit of a laugh..

I heard my mum and dad chatting with my new friends about all the walks for doggies around here, forests, parks, and even a beach, can't wait!!

Fraser ;-)

Hi from Monstermunch

Hi everyone, it's Monstermunch here although nowadays I'm known as Fraser, a good Scottish name, so everyone tells me anyway!

Just to let you know that that I'm having a fab time at my new home, I've been spending some time playing in the garden with my new toys and getting up to some mischief by hepling rearrange some plants and checking to see if there are any wee gaps in the fence, well I am a Munster after all...
I must admit I had a good rest and sleep last night, I had my comfort blanket to cuddle up to and I more or less wrapped myself up in it in my new bed, cosy!

My batteries were fully charged when I got up this morning and I was a bit cheeky too, teasing my new mum and dad and making them play with me, I think I'm going to have fun here..

Oops got to go, time for my grub...catch you all later,

Much love to Nicky, Eric, Erin, Jason, Hogan and of course my mum, Paws, and to my fellow siblings and any other friends who know me... :-)
Will keep in touch,


Saturday 17 July 2010

Hi pups

Hi pups. Well some of you are now in your new homes and settling in well from what your new mums and dads have said. Well done boys we are really proud of you all. We here at albadhu hope you all go on to be the best munsters you can be and give your new families the fun and happiness you have given us for the past 8 weeks. we all miss you here but know you all have great homes and are all going to live life to the full no matter what it is you are going to do. take care boys and please ask your new mums and dads to put lots of pics on here so we can stay intouch and can be proud of all you do together as a big extended family. love nicky eric erin jason paws jedda and all other furry things here at albadhu
below are 7 spot and one of jedda and jason a new partnership in munsters .you better watch out!!!!!!!! 7 spot has lovely new home lined up in bonnie wales.

Friday 16 July 2010

Diesel aka Snip

Hi Diesel here, when I was still at home with mum I was called Snip but my new dad says I suit Diesel. I am now living in Glasgow and hope to see my my sis Jedda quite regularly I would love to catch up with my brothers sometime too.

Mum says I have been very good only a couple of little accidents since I arrived and they were her fault lol. I went to visit the vets this morning and they were really nice to me and told mum how lovely I was. I went to mums work tonight and met a lot of nice people and some dogs that mum knows, it was really good fun and I got lots of attention. One of the big dogs (he has the hot for our Auntie Ellie) was a little bit scared of me so I had good fun making him look like a big wimp.

Anyway its supper time so I better go and remind her, i'll add a pic of me at home will put more on later when dad gets home from work mums rubbish at this stuff.

Lots of Love to all my brothers, sister, all the big dogs Nicky, Eric, Erin and Jason, oops nearly forgot mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Monday 5 July 2010