Hi, Fraser here,
It's good to know that you're all having fun out there, me too of course, dad's been off work on annual leave so I've had lots of company in the garden, which has been all well and good but does summer actually start though?!Anyway I've had fun jumping up at the washing hanging up on the whirrly-jig thingy or whatever they call it, I've managed to get a couple of things down off it and ran away with them which was great cos I knew I was guaranteed a chase!
I'm now aware that I don't have the garden or the house to myself and that I have to share with a big pussy cat called Bailey, he seems pretty laid back though and I think we're getting used to each other, he looks at me a little strangely at times like he's already seen a Munster before, and who knows maybe he has?
I've been told that I'm going to puppy training classes in August, obedience training I think it's called, huh, as if I need it, I can already sit when asked and come back when my name is called, dunno what all the fuss is about really...
Anyway, just to let you all know that I'm doing really well, having a great time and eating well too, mum and dad can't believe how much I've grown since I came here to live only 2 weeks ago, and dad says he thinks my coat is getting darker in colour, honestly humans...?!
Take care all, I will keep enjoying reading about you,
Fraser ;-)
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