Monday, 26 July 2010

Hi everyone Neo here. I used to be called Mr. Squiggle but my new Mum and Dad must think I am rather special as my new name means "gift" and is an anagram of one, as in "the One".
The first picture is of me on my way home cuddling my new teddy in the car and the second is a picture of me arriving home after a 12 hour journey down to the south coast. Mum and Dad said I was a very good boy and were amazed when they took me out of the car that I performed on the grass every time - they are obviously going to be easy to please!
Have met my new family. Mum says auntie Zeta (British pointer) is being very tolerant and we play nice games. Unfortunately my little sister Zinnia (yes that's right I am supposed to be the baby but I am bigger than her haha!) who is a Cavalier King Charles finds me a little alarming. Mum says it will be o.k once I learn some play etiquette whatever that is. On my first night we all ended up on the sofa :)
Later that night Mum and Dad left me in the big kitchen thinking I would be happy there as I was familiar with it. When they went to bed I let them know I was not at all happy. After a little complaining all went quiet and Mum tiptoed down the stairs with a torch to check on me (as I knew she would hehe!) only to find me in the hall at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her having squeezed through the baby gate LOL!! I am now very happy at night since I have been allowed to share the kitchen with Auntie Zeta.
Its been a very busy time for me settling in and I am already enjoying clicker training - treats yum! I am also signed up for KC puppy foundation classes in August where Auntie Zeta and grumpy Zinnia went and very exciting I will be starting in one month at a school for working gun dogs who do field trials, jumping in water and everything else that we Munsters enjoy. I can't wait and Mum says I'll be fine as she has never had a new puppy arrive so confident and well socialised ( grateful thanx to the lovely Logie family all your hard work certainly paid off :-D )
Hope you are all as happy and having as much fun in your new homes as me and I can't wait to catch up with all your news on the blog - love all your new names by the way. Neo :) x

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