Monday, 27 September 2010

Hi all :) Its Neo here. HaHaHa Logan good to hear you having such fun .......... me too! Being big is just great! I have learned to open doors (so easy!) , I can clear the baby gate with ease and as for kitchen surfaces - a whole new world has opened up to me!
The other day a friend was visiting for dinner and auntie Zeta was being a little cheeky and asking him for food......imagine his surprise when he looked back to his plate after telling Zeta he wasnt willing to share his dinner with her........only to find his plate empty! Chicken fajita YUM!!!!
Then there was the fimo model that Ziona made of Zinnia which was sitting in pride of place on the kitchen side.......when i finished with that there was just a head left sitting in a basket!!!! Just as well I am much loved (!) though I must say Ziona took it really well , she thought it looked really funny and said we should leave it as it is and mum said maybe we should add a sign 'DON'T MESS WITH THE MUNSTER' HaHaHa that made me feel very big and tough - which I am not at all , I love to greet everyone I meet but if my advances aren't welcome I scoot back to mum where I know I am safe.
Luckily mum loves me loads and loads and loads (I just have to bat my eyes and she is putty in my paws!) because although I can do all sorts of things now when I get to training class I get so excited it all goes out of the window, I dont seem to be able to concentrate and I can't be doing with the teacher wasting precious time yacking on so I bark and bark and bark to let her know I want to get on with disrupting the class! Mum has to keep me working continuously whilst eveyone else relaxes just to keep me quiet and stop me snaffling everyone elses treats :D I think it must be a little frustrating because at home I am so good she can now tell me to wait put my food down and leave the room and I wait sitting until she comes back and tells me I can eat my dinner - even when the other doggies have already started to eat! Mum still maintains I can speak english as I pick up new things in minutes........ and then forget it all when I get to class - everyone loves me there as I bring fun and enthusiastic exuberance to the proceedings! But then they don't have to keep me under control do they?! Luckily mum has a sense of humour and finds my antics as funny as everyone else -like I said all I have to do is bat my eyes ;) Will post some piccies soon. Any of you other guys getting up to mischief?

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