Thursday, 30 December 2010
hi everyone
for fraser -- we having our annula munster bash tomorrow at tentsmuir at 10am if you want to come for a woof day out. lots of munsters coming so you more than welcome to join us. let me know if you can make it. i have lost your number as my phone died and all the memory with it. anyone else reading this with a munster near by leae feel free to come along for the day
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Blooming lumps!
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Friday, 24 December 2010
Thursday, 23 December 2010
merry christmas everyone
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Me again!
I'm sort of pointing here!
Me and Finn playing tuggy.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Fraser's favourite things...
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
hi bros from scout and the mad jedda
Friday, 22 October 2010
Sore gummies
Does it mean everybody has sore gummies now? Mum says she hopes nobody else is homping the door frame, cupboards, lino, bed, concrete, pots and anything else within reach (she didn't know about the bottom of the washing machine 'til yesterday).
She said I'm not a real munster but a kangaroo x munster because I like to bounce about and jump on the worktop - I can just reach the back now if I run fast to get a good leap. I pinched her cup this morning and carried it round and it didn't break but she didn't want to share my slobber so put it in the dishwasher. I rather like the dishwasher 'cause I can get in there quick when dirty dishes go in and have a quick lick before the door shuts.
Me and Herne had great fun at the beach on Wednesday, we played chase in the water and got soaked and covered in sand before we came home for an afternoon nap while Whisper and Caleb had a walk.
Mum says I talk too much so I'd better go for now.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Trio is growing
Love the Bramleys
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Hi Folks Mick here.
Well Neo good to see that you are keeping the parents on their toes, by helping them eat up. They can be slow eaters I have noticed, not like us. As a matter of fact the old boy had left some toast on the kitchen work top the other morning, I have'nt tried toast before, so i only took one bit to see what it was like. A bit dry I will wait till tyere is butter or marmalade on the next time.
Anyway my pal Charlie and I have been up to a duck pond in the forest we go up there quite a lot and he swims about. I have been thinking about this swimming lark, paddeling touching the ground fine. So now I am thinking there is a small island in the middle I will try for that. as you can see I got on to it, I think I could get to like this swimming bit, Charlie says it is great especially on a hot day.
Monday, 27 September 2010
The other day a friend was visiting for dinner and auntie Zeta was being a little cheeky and asking him for food......imagine his surprise when he looked back to his plate after telling Zeta he wasnt willing to share his dinner with her........only to find his plate empty! Chicken fajita YUM!!!!
Then there was the fimo model that Ziona made of Zinnia which was sitting in pride of place on the kitchen side.......when i finished with that there was just a head left sitting in a basket!!!! Just as well I am much loved (!) though I must say Ziona took it really well , she thought it looked really funny and said we should leave it as it is and mum said maybe we should add a sign 'DON'T MESS WITH THE MUNSTER' HaHaHa that made me feel very big and tough - which I am not at all , I love to greet everyone I meet but if my advances aren't welcome I scoot back to mum where I know I am safe.
Luckily mum loves me loads and loads and loads (I just have to bat my eyes and she is putty in my paws!) because although I can do all sorts of things now when I get to training class I get so excited it all goes out of the window, I dont seem to be able to concentrate and I can't be doing with the teacher wasting precious time yacking on so I bark and bark and bark to let her know I want to get on with disrupting the class! Mum has to keep me working continuously whilst eveyone else relaxes just to keep me quiet and stop me snaffling everyone elses treats :D I think it must be a little frustrating because at home I am so good she can now tell me to wait put my food down and leave the room and I wait sitting until she comes back and tells me I can eat my dinner - even when the other doggies have already started to eat! Mum still maintains I can speak english as I pick up new things in minutes........ and then forget it all when I get to class - everyone loves me there as I bring fun and enthusiastic exuberance to the proceedings! But then they don't have to keep me under control do they?! Luckily mum has a sense of humour and finds my antics as funny as everyone else -like I said all I have to do is bat my eyes ;) Will post some piccies soon. Any of you other guys getting up to mischief?
Good things
He also showed me how to lay on my back with my paws in the air for 'nipnips' and mum says my toe nails are beautiful when they're short - she keeps different special clicker treats for 'nipnips'.
He's shown me that mum saying 'nightnight time' means run to your bed as fast as you can so you get a bedtime bonio biscuit and when she gets a chewy treat out of the pot it means run to your bed so she can go to the shop.
Mum says we are going to try some baby agility, think she means I have to step over poles and walk on a funny plank like the others do - she says it will be good for me to learn about this on the floor before I get big enough to go to proper class. If it's fun like tunnels I think I'll enjoy it.
Must go, it's past lunch time and my tum is rumbling.
Logan x
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
My partner in crime
Monday, 13 September 2010
Logan update
Mum says I'm a kangaroo in disguise after she caught me snaffling a tea bag off the kitchen counter - I used the crate in front of the oven to jump up. The crate is in front of the oven to stop me turning the gas on when I stretch up to see if there's anything up there for me, that gas sure smells funny. Mum thinks she's foiled my efforts now as the crate is on end so it's taller - I'm working on tipping it over without making too much noise!!
catch up
trio and neo are looking fab and enjoying their new families so much. what lucky puppies.